



Holland 11th ハーモニクス(リモート/コンタクト)


  • Hzフィールドに11を入力してください。
  • 左のボックスにチェックを入れ、メニューから「F1からF2を追加」を選択します。Spooky2は、新しい加算波を波形表示に表示します。


  • 先ほどと同様に、Hz フィールドに 11 を入力します。
  • 左のボックスにチェックを入れ、メニューから「F1を使用してF2を変調(AM DSB)」を選択します。Spooky2は、波形表示に新しい変調波を表示します。

周波数をミックスすることもできます。これは、アウトプット・シャドウイングと呼ばれるプロセスでアウトプット2を使用します。これを使用するには、まず「Follow Out 1」を選択し、以下の設定を行います。

  • ここで、Out 1 Hz の値に 11 の係数を乗じ、Spookyブーストを適用して、送信します。






  • 2行目の係数フィールドに1を入力すると、Out 1の周波数がOut 2にコピーされます。次に、定数フィールドに1を入力します。


必要であれば、F2 = F1 パネルで追加の設定を行うことで、アウトプット 1 の信号にホーランド 11th ハーモニクスを適用して、パンチをさらに追加することができます。

  • これで、11番目の高調波を組み込んだ波形のコピーが2つでき、そのうちの1つはもう一方よりも1Hz大きいものとなります。さらに、その電圧は制御可能です。この制御性がどのように利用できるかについては、少し後で説明します。


Spooky2-XMは、Spooky2が生成する任意波形の最大周波数の上限が5MHzです。Spooky2は、Wave Cycle Multiplier技術により、このハードウェアの制限を大幅に超えることができます。以下は、電力の低下や波形の歪みを最小限に抑えながら、最大25MHzで送信する方法です。

  • 枠の上のボックスにある任意の波形をアウトプット1に使用できます。また、カスタムメニュー(枠の下)にある任意の波形も使用できます。アウトプット2の設定を行います。
  • 次に、選択した波形の「Wave Cycle Multiplier WCM」フィールドに5を入力します(ここでは青くハイライトされた方形波)。



現在では25MHzまでの任意の周波数を送信できるため、病原体の実際のMOR(Mortal Oscillatory Rate)に近い、低周波数をより強力な周波数に変換することが望ましいでしょう。



実際にはこれより高い25 MHzまで上げることができますが、オーバードライブ周波数範囲の上限に近づくにつれ、周波数が高くなるにつれて出力が減衰し、波形が正確に形成されなくなることに注意してください。しかし、Spooky2を使用すれば、ジェネレーターXを使用して、ハードウェア設計の限界をはるかに超えた正確で強力な周波数を出力することができます。このテクニックはヒーリングには使用せず、殺傷のみに使用することに注意してください。








波形など、必要な設定をすべて行います。次に、波形ペインの下部にある「Follow Out 1」セレクタボタンをクリックします。

次に、Output Shadowing パネルを開き、以下のように入力してください。




Spooky リモートを1つ用意すれば、同じ症状の家族全員を簡単に治療できます。 しかし、2つあれば地域全体をケアできます。

ほとんどの人は、1人のDNAパッケージは複数の爪で構成されるべきだと考えています。 しかし、それは正しくありません。 完全な爪である必要はなく、爪の小さな部分で十分です。 爪を切る際に、各爪を3つまたは4つの小さな部分にカットし、リモートごとに1つの部分を使用する人もいます。

これより小さくすれば、Spooky リモートに最大50個のネイルセグメントを入れることができます。 爪の最も小さなかけらにもDNAが含まれています。


必要なセットをロードし、すべてのプログラムの説明を確認して追加情報を確認します。次に、Follow Out 1 を選択して波形と関連設定をコピーすると、Spooky2 の本格的な操作の準備が整います。

これは、Out 1 から Out 2 に波形をコピーします。そのため、波形は同一です。


これらはOutput Shadowingのデフォルト設定であることに注意してください。



例えば、Out 1で5ボルトのプログラムを実行しているとします。今、あなたはHolland 11th Harmonicを追加したいと思っていますが、9ボルトで動作させたいと考えています。

以下の2つ目の例では、Out 1の振幅は5ボルトです。Holland 11th Harmonicを7ボルトで動作させたいとします。




3つの方法があり、必要に応じてすべてを使用できます。最初の方法は、振幅と周波数の揺らぎです。後者はターゲット中心であり、すなわち、100 Hzの周波数は、99.5 > 99.75 > 100 > 100.25 > 100.5のように揺らぐことがあります。振幅の揺らぎはターゲットに向かって徐々に増加します。



ステップとは、上の図の赤い点です。 波形の軌跡に沿った離散的な値です。 したがって、これらの揺れはスムーズかつ連続的に適用されるわけではなく、各ステップの位置から次の位置へとジャンプし、その間には値の変化はありません。 ステップの一般的なオプションとして、デフォルト値の16が適しています。

周波数 : 1000(1,000Hz/1KHz)

設定1 : +-0.02% フェザリング。

結果1 : 999.80~1000.20の間でランダム(ランダム化範囲=0.4Hz)。

設定2 :オクターブ12段階のウォブル。

結果2 : 1000、2000、4000、8000、16000、32000、64000、32000、16000、8000、4000、2000。


設定1:+-0.02% フェザリング。

結果 1: 99980~100020 のランダム(ランダム化範囲 = 40 Hz)。

設定 2: オクターブ 12 ステージのウォブル。

結果 2: 100000、200000、400000、800000、1600000、3200000 、6400000、3200000、1600000、800000、400000、200000。


設定1:+-0.02% フェザリング。



結果 2: 1000000、2000000、4000000、8000000、16000000、32000000 、64000000、32000000、16000000、8000000、4000000、2000000。

フェザリングは、周波数に素早くランダムな変化を加えるため、設定された最大パーセンテージの範囲内で値が上下に変動します。ウォブルは、周波数に素早く制御された変化を加えるため、メニューで選択した内容に従って一定の値で変動します。それでは、これらの選択肢について詳しく見ていきましょう(F = 元の周波数)。

None: 変更を加えず、直接的に周波数を適用します。

+- .02% Feathering: 出力は設定周波数に対して、ランダムに上下に0.02%の範囲で急速に変動します。病原体の正確な周波数が不明な場合に有用です。リモート治療に最適です。

+- .05% Feathering: .02%のフェザリングと同じだが、変動が大きい。


.02% 4 Stage Wobble: F, F+.02%, F, F-.02%

.02% 8 Stage Wobble: F, F+.01%, F+.02%, F+.01%, F, F-.01%, F-.02%, F-.01%

.05% 4 Stage Wobble: F, F+.05%, F, F-.05%

.05% 8 Stage Wobble: F, F+.025%, F+.05%, F+.025%, F, F-.025%, F-.05%, F-.025%

Octave 2 Stage Wobble: F, F × 2

Octave 4 Stage Wobble: F, F × 2, F × 4, F × 2

Octave 6 Stage Wobble: F, F × 2, F × 4, F × 6, F × 4, F × 2

Octave 8 Stage Wobble: F, F × 2, F × 4, F × 6, F × 8, F × 6, F × 4, F × 2

Octave 10 Stage Wobble: F, F × 2, F × 4, F × 6, F × 8, F × 10, F × 8, F × 6, F × 4, F × 2

Octave 12 Stage Wobble: F, F × 2, F × 4, F × 6, F × 8, F × 10, F × 12, F × 10, F × 8, F × 6, F × 4, F × 2


Odd 2 Stage Wobble: F, F × 3

Odd 4 Stage Wobble: F, F × 3, F × 5, F × 3

Odd 6 Stage Wobble: F, F × 3, F × 5, F × 7, F × 5, F × 3

Odd 8 Stage Wobble: F, F × 3, F × 5, F × 7, F × 9, F × 7, F × 5, F × 3

Odd 10 Stage Wobble: F, F × 3, F × 5, F × 7, F × 9, F × 11, F × 9, F × 7, F × 5, F × 3

Odd 12 Stage Wobble: F, F × 3, F × 5, F × 7, F × 9, F × 11, F × 13, F × 11, F × 9, F × 7, F × 5, F × 3


Fibonacci 3 Stage Wobble: F, F, F × 2

Fibonacci 5 Stage Wobble: F, F, F × 2, F × 3, F × 2

Fibonacci 7 Stage Wobble: F, F, F × 2, F × 3, F × 5, F × 3, F × 2

Fibonacci 9 Stage Wobble: F, F, F × 2, F × 3, F × 5, F × 8, F × 5, F × 3, F × 2

Fibonacci 15 Stage Wobble: F, F, F × 2, F × 3, F × 5, F × 8, F × 13, F × 21, F × 34, F × 21, F × 13, F × 8, F × 5, F × 3, F × 2

自然対数は、1 + 1÷(1×2) + 1÷(1x2x3) + 1÷(1x2x3x4) + 1÷(1x2x3x4x5) … などの数学的公式に基づいています。



Fibonacci 11 Stage Wobble: F, F, F × 2, F × 3, F × 5, F × 8, F × 13, F × 8, F × 5, F × 3, F × 2

Fibonacci 13 Stage Wobble: F, F, F × 2, F × 3, F × 5, F × 8, F × 13, F × 21, F × 13, F × 8, F × 5, F × 3, F × 2

Natural Log 2 Step Wobble: F, F × 20.0855369232

Natural Log 4 Step Wobble: F, F × 20.0855369232, F × 403.4287934927, F × 20.0855369232




これを明確に理解するには、リストの下部にある3つの異なるオプションが選択された際に、Out 1とOut 2の波形に何が起こるかを確認してください。いずれの場合も、波形は正弦減衰します。

左側では、Follow Out 1 と Sync が選択されています。Out 1 の信号が Out 2 にコピーされています。赤と青の波形が同一であるため、このことがはっきりとわかります。


2つ目では、唯一の違いは、[Follow Out 1] の代わりに [Inverse] を選択している点です。一見したところ、赤と青の波形は変化していないように見えます。




そして、この電子機器の魔法のような仕組みにより、Out 1の初期10ボルトの信号が、InverseとSyncを組み合わせた2つの出力を使用することで、20ボルトの強力な信号になる仕組みが説明されています。

しかし、Out 2でSpike+Syncを選択し、右側のInvertチェックボックスにチェックを入れると、波にはかなり異なる変化が現れます。

複合波形の各サブ波(WCMの項目を見ると8つあることが分かります)に対して、Spooky2はOut 2の正と負のピークごとに1つの高電圧スパイクを注入します。



しかし、時間こそが重要な特定の急性または非常に進行した症状に対しては、Spooky Central/Plasmaは、病原菌の細胞壁に穴を開けてミリ秒単位で殺菌し、がん細胞を破壊してプラズマを介してライフ周波数を送り込み、素早く破壊する、迅速かつ効果的なエレクトロポレーションを提供します。

では、この素晴らしいパワーをどのようにして操り、制御するのかをお見せしましょう。まずは、ジョンがInverseとSyncを紹介する際に使用した画面から始めます。かつてのSpooky Teamのメンバーがこれを見たとき、彼はこれを「チェーンソー・ウェーブ」と呼びました。

Syncチェックボックスにチェックが入っていない場合、Out 1とOut 2の周波数が異なると、Out 1とOut 2の出力は同期されません。ただし、周波数が同じであれば、Syncチェックボックスにチェックが入っていなくても、タイプ出力は自動的に同期されます。


スパイクの長さは、スパイクが適用される長さを制御します。10,000 Hzを超える周波数には2、それより低い周波数には1が適しています。スパイク比率は、スパイク振幅が他の波形と比較してどの程度強力であるかを決定します。


これが、5つのサブ波(WCM = 5)で構成された正弦波です。正と負のピークそれぞれに電圧スパイクがあり(+スパイクと-スパイクの両方にチェックマークが付いています)、それぞれが2つの時間単位で送信されます(スパイクの長さ = 2)。





これらは、前のグラフとまったく同じ設定です。唯一変更した点はスパイクカウントだけです。Spooky2は、私たちが望むスパイク数(5)を表示しています。すべてのピークにスパイクを表示したい場合は、ピークを数えてから結果を入力する必要はありません。スパイク数に「0」を入力すれば、自動的に処理されます。スパイク数を減らしたい理由があるでしょうか? 病原菌をバランスを崩した状態に保ち、攻撃のリズムに「乗る」チャンスを大幅に減らすことができます。

以前と同じ設定ですが、今回は負のピークのスパイクを送信しないようにしました。 欠落していた負のスパイクが正のスパイクの数に加えられ、合計5つのスパイクが残りました。 なぜこのようなことをするのでしょうか? それは、実験がライフィングについてより深く学ぶための最良の方法であり、Spooky2がまさにこのようなことを可能にするからです。

Spooky2でこれらの値を入力している場合は、InverseとSyncが選択されていると、Output Shadowingの2行目がグレー表示になっていることがわかるでしょう。これは、Out 2がOut 1の波形をコピーして反転しますが、同じ周波数を使用しているためです。

ここで興味深い展開があります。InverseとSyncの代わりに、Spike+Syncを選択しました。Out 2の青い波形を見てください。曲線状の親波形は生成されず、スパイクのみが生成されています。これは、Out 2のすべてのパワーがスパイクに使用され、基本となる波形には使用されていないことを意味します。さらに、Spike+Syncテキストの右にあるチェックボックスにチェックマークを入れることで、Out 2 のスパイク波形全体を反転させました。この反転により、スパイクの相殺を回避することができます。この意味を確かめるために、チェックマークを外してみてください。チェックマークを外すと、出力波形にスパイクはまったく発生しなくなります。


正弦波の例に戻って、これをはっきりと見てみましょう。この画像は、Out 1 の正弦波に、Spike Length/Spike Ratio コントロールで追加したスパイクを示しています。Spike+Sync が選択され、Invert Waveform ボックスにチェックマークが付いています。ほとんどの場合、これはまさにあなたが望むものです。

ただし、Spike+Sync の波形だけでなく、リスト内のすべての波形を反転させることができます。ここでは、Spike+Sync の波形ではなく正弦波を反転させるために、「波形を反転」ボックスにチェックを入れ、「Spike+Sync」ボックスのチェックを外しました。両方の画像の出力波形のウィンドウを比較すると、2つの異なる出力信号がはっきりと見えます。これらは互いに鏡像の関係にあります。しかし、まだあります…




波形は一見すると不可解に見えるかもしれませんが、実際には非常にわかりやすいものです。 波形は、エネルギーの振幅またはパワーが時間とともにどのように変化するかをグラフィカルに表したものです。 Spooky2の波形を見てみましょう。 左側の縦の赤い線は、0を境に正と負の振幅を測定しています。 下部の横の赤い線は時間を表しており、1秒です。

正弦波(Sine Wave)


A: 振幅がゼロからプラス方向に変化しながら上昇する。

B: 振幅が最も高いプラス地点、すなわちピークに達した。

C: 振幅が0を下回り、マイナス方向に変化しながら継続する。

D: 振幅が最も低いマイナス地点、すなわちピークに達した。

E: 振幅が再びプラス方向に変化しながら動き始める。

用途 : ヒーリング、デトックス、殺傷(非常に高い周波数で)。

方形波(Square Wave)


A: 振幅は、一定の割合で最高値のプラスレベルで推移している。

B: 振幅はすぐに0を下回り、マイナスのピークに達する。

C: 振幅は、一定の割合で最低値のマイナスレベルで推移している。

D: 振幅はすぐに0を通過し、ピークのプラスレベルに達する。

用途 : 殺傷、ヒーリング、デトックス。



A: 振幅は、負のピークから正の方向に一定の速度で移動する。

B: 振幅は0を通過し、最も高い正のピークに達する。

C: 振幅は、正の方向に一定の速度で移動し続ける。

D: 振幅はすぐに0を通過し、負のピークに達する。

効能 : ヒーリング、デトックス。

逆ノコギリ波(Inverse Sawtooth)


A: 振幅は、正のピークレベルから一定の割合で減少する。

B: 振幅は0を通過する。

C: 振幅は、一定の割合で負の方向に動き続け、最も低い負のピークに達する。

D: 振幅はすぐに0を通過し、正のピークレベルに達する。

用途 : 殺傷




A: 振幅は、負のピークレベルから一定の割合で移動する。

B: 振幅は0を通過する。

C: 振幅は正のピークレベルに達し、その後一定の割合で下降し始める。

D: 振幅は0を通過する。

E: 振幅は負のピークレベルに達する。

用途: 正弦波の直線的な代替として、実験的に使用するのに適しています。

減衰正弦波(Damped Sinusoidal)


A: 振幅はピークレベルにある。

B: 振幅は、12の内部サイクルで徐々に減衰し、それぞれにおいて正から負の0を通過する。

C: 振幅はすぐにピークの正レベルまで戻る。

用途 : ヒーリング、デトックス、殺傷(非常に高い周波数で)。

Spooky2 注記 : 単一の複合サイクルにおける内部サイクルの総数は、[Wave Cycle Multiplier] フィールドに入力した値(この場合は 12)によって制御。

減衰矩形波(Damped Square)


A: 振幅はピークレベルにある。
B: 振幅は、12の内部サイクルで徐々に減衰し、それぞれにおいて正から負の0を通過する。
C: 振幅はすぐにピークの正レベルまで再び上昇する。

効能 : 殺傷、ヒーリング、デトックス。

Spooky2 注記 : 単一の複合サイクルにおける内部サイクルの総数は、[Wave Cycle Multiplier] フィールドに入力した値(この場合は 12)によって制御。

水爆正弦波(Sine H-Bomb)


A: 振幅は0である。
B: 振幅は急激に上昇し、正のピークレベルに達した後、急激に0まで下降し、負のピークレベルに達する。その後、再び急激に上昇し、0に戻る。
C: 振幅は6つのより小さな内部サイクルを経る。
D: ステップBを繰り返す。
E: ステップAを繰り返す。

用途 : ヒーリング、デトックス、殺傷(非常に高い周波数で)。

Spooky2 注:単一の複合サイクルにおける内部サイクルの総数は、[Wave Cycle Multiplier] フィールドに入力した値(この場合は 8)によって制御されます。

水爆矩形波(Square H-Bomb)


A: 振幅は0である。
B: 振幅はすぐに正のピークレベルまで上昇し、その後すぐに0を通って負のピークレベルまで移動し、その後すぐに0まで上昇する。
C: 振幅は上昇し、6つのより小さな内部サイクルを経て進行する。
D: ステップBを繰り返す。
E: ステップAを繰り返す。

効能 : 殺傷、ヒーリング、デトックス。

Spooky2注: 単一の複合サイクルにおける内部サイクルの総数は、[Wave Cycle Multiplier] フィールドに入力した値(この場合は8)によって制御されます。







通常の波形には正と負の2つの位相があることはご存知でしょう。 実際には、正のエネルギーが波形の半周期にわたって適用され、負のエネルギーが残りの半周期にわたって適用されることを意味します。 著名なエネルギー医学の研究者の中には、特にハルダ・クラーク博士が、病原体を殺傷するには単方向のエネルギーのみを適用する方が効果的であると主張しています。 これを実行するには、オフセットを使用します。






上記は、Spookyブーストを使用して反転と同期にした場合の、正のオフセット100%の設定です。反転と同期の代わりにFollow Out 1を使用する場合は、両方のアウトプットの値を100と100(いずれも正)に設定します。アウトプット1のみに直接接続する場合は、-100の代わりに0を入力します。





Vmax = 最大電圧。Vmin = 最小電圧。Vpp = ピーク・トゥ・ピーク電圧。

















Spooky リモートは、Spooky2-XMジェネレーターが利用可能になる前に発表されました。そのため、これに対応するジェネレーターはUDB1108Sのみでした。当時、このジェネレーターのキャリブレーションは、マルチメーターを使用して手動で行う必要がありました。


しかし、Spooky リモートは、マルチメーターを必要とせずに素早く簡単にキャリブレーションを行う、非常にシンプルな方法を提供しました。







LEDが信号にどのように反応するかを制御する要素は3つあります。周波数、波形、振幅です。以下のグラフィックは、オシロスコープを所有していない元SpookyチームのメンバーがSpooky2で作成したものです。以下のグラフィックは、Wave Cycle Multipliersを説明するために作成されたものです。まず、周波数について見てみましょう。



A: 信号は0.5秒間プラスなので、左のLEDは0.5秒間点灯します。
B. 信号はすぐに0からマイナスまで下がります。
C: 信号は0.5秒間マイナスなので、右のLEDは0.5秒間点灯します。


これが32 Hzの矩形波です。1秒間に32回の正から負へのサイクルを繰り返します。ピークを数えてみてください。32回です。





Wave Cycle Multiplierを12に設定すると、Spooky2-XMに送信される周波数は12で割られます。では、もう一段階上げてみましょう。

これが256 Hzの矩形波です。オシロスコープで実際に見るものは、このようには見えません。ここで直面しているのは、コンピュータ画面の解像度の限界です。しかし、1秒間に256サイクルあるため、それぞれのピークが互いに非常に接近しており、PC画面ではそれらの間にいくらかの分離があることを示すことができません。












これも心配には及びません。 むしろ、周波数の電圧がすべて意図した目的(治癒)のために使用されていることを意味するので、むしろ良いことです。






1 Hzの正弦波では、このようなことが起こります:

A: 正の振幅が増加するため、左のLEDは徐々に明るくなります。
B: 振幅が最大値に達したため、左のLEDは最も明るくなります。
C: 振幅が0以下に減少するため、左のLEDは暗くなり消灯し、右のLEDは明るくなり始めます。
D: 負の振幅が最小値に達したため、右のLEDは最も明るくなります。
E: 振幅が再び正になり始めたため、右のLEDは暗くなり始めます。

逆ノコギリ波の波形も、同じく 1 Hz です。

A: 正の振幅は一定の割合で減少するため、左のLEDはゆっくりと暗くなります。
B: 振幅が0を通過すると、左のLEDは消灯し、右のLEDが点灯します。
C: 負の振幅は一定の割合で増加するため、右のLEDはゆっくりと明るくなります。
D: 振幅は0を通過して正のピークに達するため、右のLEDは消灯し、左のLEDはすぐに完全に明るくなります。


A: 振幅が最大なので、左のLEDは完全に点灯しています。振幅が減少すると、LEDは暗くなり消え、右のLEDは薄暗く点灯し、完全に点灯するまで明るくなります。
B: 振幅は、12回の内部的な上昇と下降により、プラスからマイナス、そして0を通って減少します。そのため、各LEDは12回連続して明るくなったり暗くなったりし、明るさは徐々に増減します。減衰した矩形波では、LEDは段階的に明るくなったり暗くなったりせず、単純に交互に点灯と消灯を繰り返します。
C: この時点では、振幅が低いため、両方のLEDが非常に暗く点灯しています。最後に、振幅がピークのプラスに戻り、サイクルが再び始まります。

Spooky リモートに 1 Hz の水爆矩形波 を入力した際の LED の挙動を予測できるようになっているはずです。

A: 振幅は0なので、どちらのLEDも点灯しません。
B: 振幅はすぐに正のピークレベルまで上昇し、その後0を通って負のピークレベルまで下降します。これは、左のLEDが完全に点灯し、その後右のLEDが完全に点灯すると消灯することを意味します。
C: 振幅は6つのより小さな内部スイッチを通過します。そのため、各LEDは6回連続して切り替わりますが、最初のピークと同じ明るさにはなりません。水爆正弦波では、LEDは点滅するのではなく、徐々に明るくなったり暗くなったりします。
D: ステップBが繰り返されます。
E: ステップAが繰り返されます。










まず最初に検討するのは、病原体の実際の周波数であるMortal Oscillatory Rate(致死振動数)です。病原体のMORに等しい周波数を送信すると、病原体はその周波数と共鳴します。これにより、病原体が死滅します。


これが非常に役立つことを理解していただくために、150 Hzと1,500,000 Hz(1.5 MHz)の2つの周波数を見てみましょう。150 Hzの許容誤差は0.0375 Hz(150 Hzの0.025%)であり、これは149.9625 Hzから150.0375 Hzまでの周波数であれば、MORが150 Hzの病原体を殺傷できることを意味します。興味深いですが、あまり実用的ではありません。



The tolerance for 1,500,000 Hz (1.5 MHz) is 375 Hz, which means that any frequency from 1,499,625 Hz to 1,500,375 Hz will kill a pathogen whose MOR is 1.5 MHz — but it will also kill everything else whose MORs lie within that range.

And that’s not the only benefit. MOR tolerance up in the MHz range means we can take far bigger steps through frequencies and still be guaranteed we’re going to kill bad guys.

The third thing we will look at is power or — Amplitude:

Spectrum is a mathematical way to make one “parent” static or moving frequency produce up to 1,024 “child” frequencies simultaneously, spread equally above and below that frequency. While this is an amazing feat, you must never forget that a generator’s available amplitude is divided between all the frequencies it’s currently transmitting.

The Spooky2-XM and GeneratorX generators operate at a maximum of 20 volts.

So if you build a Spectrum that creates 1,024 frequencies at the same time, the amplitude of each would be 0.01953125 volts — less than one-fiftieth of a volt. While this might be useful in Remote Mode it’s certain that it would be no good in Contact Mode, which needs far higher voltages to penetrate the skin.

There are two answers to this problem. The first is to reduce the number of frequencies being transmitted so there’s more power available to each of them. The second is to use Spooky Central/Plasma.

Spectrum is a far more effective way to produce a cluster of frequencies around a set Center Frequency than by using any frequency wobble. Wobbled frequencies are produced one after another (they are linear), and thus their dwell is momentary. Spectrum frequencies are produced in parallel, and their dwells are thus all equal to the Center Frequency’s dwell.

Always plan exactly what you want to achieve. Once you get the hang of it, there’s no limit to what can be done.

So first let’s define our terms:

MOR or Center Frequency: this is your frequency on which the Spectrum will be centered — child frequencies will range above and below.

MOR tolerance or Frequency Tolerance: this is the tolerance of distance from the Center Frequency or MOR that the child frequencies can be spaced apart.

Wave Cycle Multiplier (WCM): this is how you set the number of child frequencies to be produced. Because frequencies are created both above and below the Center Frequency, the number of child frequencies you create will be twice the value you enter here.

Frequency Spacing (FS): this is the distance between child frequencies that will be produced.

Spectrum %: this is how you set the range within which frequencies will be created — Spectrum is always a percentage of your Center Frequency.

You will need to choose your Center Frequency, your MOR tolerance and your Wave Cycle Multiplier. From them you can calculate the required values for Frequency Spacing and Spectrum %. Let us look at the formulas.

  1. The formula to calculate the required Frequency Spacing value is:

Frequency Spacing = Center Frequency × MOR tolerance

  1. The formula to calculate the required Spectrum % value is:

Spectrum % = Wave Cycle Multiplier × 100 × Frequency Spacing ÷ Center Frequency

Let us look at some examples.

Example 1: We want a frequency of 1.5 MHz with a MOR tolerance of 0.025% and we want 100 child frequencies.

So 1.5 MHz is our Center Frequency and our MOR tolerance is 0.00025 and our WCM is 50 (100 child frequencies). There are 101 frequencies in all, our Center Frequency, plus 50 below it and 50 above it — our child frequencies.

So our Frequency Spacing would be the Center Frequency of 1,500,000 Hz multiplied by the MOR tolerance of 0.00025:

1,500,000 × 0.00025 = 375

And our Spectrum % would be the Wave Cycle Multiplier 50 multiplied by 100 multiplied by the Frequency Spacing of 375 Hz divided by the Center Frequency of 1,500,000 Hz:

50 × 100 × 375 ÷ 1,500,000 = 1.25

Example 2: We want a frequency of 500 Hz with a MOR tolerance of 0.025% and we want 20 individual frequencies.

So 500 Hz is our Center Frequency and our MOR tolerance is 0.00025 and our WCM is 10 (20 child frequencies).

So our Frequency Spacing would be the Center Frequency of 500 Hz multiplied by the MOR tolerance of 0.00025:

500 × 0.00025 = 0.125

And our Spectrum % would be the Wave Cycle Multiplier 10 multiplied by 100 multiplied by the Frequency Spacing of 0.125 Hz divided by the Center Frequency of 500 Hz:

10 × 100 × 0.125 ÷ 500 = 0.25

Now let us take a look at a frequency sweep spectrum example here:

Example 3: We want a Hulda Clark range frequency sweep of 76,000 to 880,000 Hz with a MOR tolerance of 0.025% and we want 96 individual frequencies. For this example we are going to use the Create Spectrum Sweep utility.

Here we type in the Program Name, set the Spectrum Low Frequency to 76000 and the Spectrum High Frequency to 880000 and set the Frequency Tolerance to 0.025% (MOR tolerance is the same as Frequency Tolerance). We set the Wave Cycle Multiplier to 96 and choose the Create Dual Weight Sweep type.

Click the Save button on the upper right.

Here are the settings for this sweep:

  1. Click Restore Defaults.
  2. In Signal Settings, set Out 1 and Out 2 amplitude to 20.
  3. In Waveform Setup, set Out 1 waveform to Sine wave, Out 2 to Sine wave.
  4. Using the 4th field of the Database Entry View set the WCM to 96 and Spectrum field of the Out 1 Sine waveform to 84.1% in Waveform Setup.
  5. In the Output Shadowing area, use the 4th field of the Database Entry View to set the Out 2 = ( Out 1 × .25 ) + 358500 Hz setting.

Making Waves

Spooky2 generates 9 different waveforms. Here’s what they are, and what they can do. First, the unaltered wave.

Sine: useful for healing with a gentle rise and fall in energy.
Triangle: smooth constant power rise and drop-off. Mainly experimental.
Square H-Bomb: world-first, square version.
Square: normally used to kill pathogens, with almost instant rises to full power.
Damped sinusoidal: used by Dr. Rife in the ‘30s. Very powerful.
Sawtooth: a smooth rise in power, then an abrupt drop — useful for healing.
Damped square: world first, extrapolation of Dr. Rife’s damped sinusoidal.
Inverted sawtooth: powerful killer, with an almost instant power rise.
Sine H-Bomb: world-first, a very powerful new sine.

Spooky2 offers 12 waveforms in Waveform Setup (Follow Out 1, Spike+Sync, and Inverse and Sync are waves created on the fly whose shapes depend on your settings). Additional waveforms are found in the Custom Waves Menus.

Now, here are the new waveforms generated by adding a second frequency that’s three times the first (the F2 control is described here):

Sine: add F1 to F2 (F2=3xF1).
Triangle: add F1 to F2 (F2=3xF1).
Square H-Bomb: add F1 to F2 (F2=3xF1).
Square: add F1 to F2 (F2=3xF1).
Damped sin: add F1 to F2 (F2=3xF1).
Sawtooth: add F1 to F2 (F2=3xF1).
Damped sq: add F1 to F2 (F2=3xF1).
Inv saw: add F1 to F2 (F2=3xF1).
Sine H-Bomb: add F1 to F2 (F2=3xF1).

This concludes the extracted text from Part 19 of the Spooky2 User’s Guide. If you need further assistance or more text extracted, please let me know.

These are the waveforms that result from adding a frequency that’s 11 times the first (the Holland 11th Harmonic Effect):

  • Sine: add F1 to F2 (F2=11xF1).
  • Triangle: add F1 to F2 (F2=11xF1).
  • Square H-Bomb: add F1 to F2 (F2=11xF1).
  • Square: add F1 to F2 (F2=11xF1).
  • Damped sin: add F1 to F2 (F2=11xF1).
  • Sawtooth: add F1 to F2 (F2=11xF1).
  • Damped sq: add F1 to F2 (F2=11xF1).
  • Inv Saw: add F1 to F2 (F2=11xF1).
  • Sine H-Bomb: add F1 to F2 (F2=11xF1).

Double side band (DSB) amplitude modulation — this adds upper and lower harmonics. Frequency 2 is three times the first:

  • Sine: mod F2 using F1 (AM DSB, F2=3xF1).
  • Triangle: mod F2 with F1 (AM DSB, F2=3xF1).
  • Square H-Bomb: mod F2 with F1 (AM DSB, F2=3xF1).
  • Square: mod F2 with F1 (AM DSB, F2=3xF1).
  • Damped sin: mod F2 with F1 (AM DSB, F2=3xF1).
  • Sawtooth: mod F2 with F1 (AM DSB, F2=3xF1).
  • Damped sq: mod F2 with F1 (AM DSB, F2=3xF1).
  • Inv saw: mod F2 with F1 (AM DSB, F2=3xF1).
  • Sine H-Bomb: mod F2 with F1 (AM DSB, F2=3xF1).

DSB amplitude modulation again — this time Frequency 2 is Frequency 1’s 11th harmonic (the Holland Effect via DSB AM):

  • Sine: mod F2 using F1 (AM DSB, F2=11xF1).
  • Triangle: mod F2 with F1 (AM DSB, F2=11xF1).
  • Square H-Bomb: mod F2 with F1 (AM DSB, F2=11xF1).
  • Square: mod F2 with F1 (AM DSB, F2=11xF1).
  • Damped sin: mod F2 with F1 (AM DSB, F2=11xF1).
  • Sawtooth: mod F2 with F1 (AM DSB, F2=11xF1).
  • Damped sq: mod F2 with F1 (AM DSB, F2=11xF1).
  • Inv saw: mod F2 with F1 (AM DSB, F2=11xF1).
  • Sine H-Bomb: mod F2 with F1 (AM DSB, F2=11xF1).

Single side band (SSB) AM adds powerful upper harmonics — Frequency 1 is multiplied by Frequency 2’s third harmonic:

  • Sine: mod F2 using F1 (AM SSB, F2=3xF1).
  • Triangle: mod F2 with F1 (AM SSB, F2=3xF1).
  • Square H-Bomb: mod F2 with F1 (AM SSB, F2=3xF1).
  • Square: mod F2 with F1 (AM SSB, F2=3xF1).
  • Damped sin: mod F2 with F1 (AM SSB, F2=3xF1).
  • Sawtooth: mod F2 with F1 (AM SSB, F2=3xF1).
  • Damped sq: mod F2 with F1 (AM SSB, F2=3xF1).
  • Inv saw: mod F2 with F1 (AM SSB, F2=3xF1).
  • Sine H-Bomb: mod F2 with F1 (AM SSB, F2=3xF1).

Finally, SSB AM again with Frequency 2 multiplied by Frequency 1’s 11th harmonic (the Holland Effect via SSB AM):

  • Sine: mod F2 using F1 (AM SSB, F2=11xF1).
  • Triangle: mod F2 with F1 (AM SSB, F2=11xF1).
  • Square H-Bomb: mod F2 with F1 (AM SSB, F2=11xF1).
  • Square: mod F2 with F1 (AM SSB, F2=11xF1).
  • Damped sin: mod F2 with F1 (AM SSB, F2=11xF1).
  • Sawtooth: mod F2 with F1 (AM SSB, F2=11xF1).
  • Damped sq: mod F2 with F1 (AM SSB, F2=11xF1).
  • Inv saw: mod F2 with F1 (AM SSB, F2=11xF1).
  • Sine H-Bomb: mod F2 with F1 (AM SSB, F2=11xF1).

More on waveforms:

  • Sine: The gentle curve of the sine wave’s amplitude makes it suitable for healing. Its trajectory is the purest form of energy/motion, and you will see its shape throughout the natural world. Best for high frequencies, where it will also kill efficiently.
  • Square: The abrupt rises and falls in amplitude coupled with long peaks and troughs make this wave very suitable for killing pathogens. However, it’s also effective for healing, especially if low frequencies are used.
  • Sawtooth: Up to now, this does not have a history in Rife, so it’s still considered largely experimental. However, our experiments so far have shown that it’s a very effective waveform to use for healing.
  • Inverse Sawtooth: The sharp rise to peak level combined with the linear fall in amplitude make this waveform excellent for killing organisms, and it does this more effectively than the square wave. At higher amplitudes/voltages, it’s not really suitable for healing — but some users have reported good results using it at reduced power.
  • Triangle: Does not have a history in Rife — so it’s still experimental. Its linear slopes make for a less efficient “whip-crack” effect, but it may be useful as a possible more linear substitute for a sine.
  • Sine Damped: Dr. Rife’s well-known cancer-killer waveform, as documented by the Smithsonian. When liberally sprinkled with spikes, this becomes a fearsome weapon. But because it’s based on gradually decaying sine waves, it’s also excellent for healing applications (without spikes).
  • Square Damped: Damping applied to square waves — a brand new Spooky2 exclusive. Its energy trajectory makes it lethal for pathogens, and it’s currently also being tested successfully in healing situations.
  • Sine H-Bomb: Designed by John to feature energy spikes on leading and trailing edges. It’s based on sine waves, and this should make it a good choice for powerful healing. But it should also be useful as a pathogen killer.
  • Square H-Bomb: Some feel that this may be Spooky2’s most powerful killing machine. John has questioned if it may be too powerful for remote use, but many have used it successfully in this way without Herxing.

NanoGuide A: Other Uses

A former member of the Spooky Team owned three very expensive top-of-the-line commercial Rife machines that together cost the price of a small car. He returned the most expensive one for a partial refund because it kept breaking down. A second one never worked from the moment he took it out of the box. The third worked fine, and it was built like a tank, so it fulfilled the first necessity for any machine that’s going to be (literally) vitally important — reliability.

Yet he chooses to use the cheap and cheerful Spooky2 because he believes it’s the most powerful, effective, and versatile Rife machine that money can buy. Very little money. But Spooky2 isn’t just a Rife machine. Right now, it can also:

  • Make superior nano-colloidal/ionic silver.
  • Function as a powerful Clark zapper — with Spectrum zapping as an added bonus.
  • Be used very effectively as a foot tubs Rife system (a preset with instructions is included).
  • Eradicate insect pests and molds in the home.
  • Power a Spooky Cold Laser Wrist or Twin.
  • Drive a PEMF coil.

Colloidal Silver

Some forgotten facts were once common knowledge. Almost 100 years of ceaseless marketing and lies has convinced the public that drugs are the best way to combat illnesses — a lie becomes the truth if repeated often enough. Why? The most effective way to control any society is to get — and keep — an iron grip on the health of its members. Sick people can’t put up much of a fight.

It’s time for a change. Spooky wants everyone to take control over their own health. It all begins with education. And the truth.

Before money dictated health matters, cheap remedies were effective. The ancient Romans used plain honey to prevent cuts from becoming infected. Burdock (a common thistle) has been used for treating chronic diseases such as cancers, diabetes, and AIDS. It is a blood purifier that can also be applied directly to the skin to treat problems such as eczema, acne, and psoriasis.

No profits can be made from weeds, so drugs were created. The term “side effect” was invented to make drug dangers appear unimportant. The correct term should be “unwanted effect.” The US Department of Agriculture’s Division of Chemistry (later renamed the FDA) questioned the effectiveness of many of the time-proven cures. Finally, the big push came to make most natural cures illegal.

Before refrigeration was common, people would drop a silver coin into their milk jar to keep the milk fresh for longer. Silver cutlery was — and still is — used to combat bacteria. Silver has an amazing ability to kill viral, bacterial and fungal organisms. An independent test by Larry C. Ford, the MD of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology from UCLA School of Medicine, concluded that colloidal silver kills more than 650 bacteria, fungi, parasites, molds and fungi, all of which have the potential to cause diseases.

Silver is a threat to drug sales, so doubt needed to be placed on its safety. Reports of two people who drank massive amounts of incorrectly made ionic silver were widely distributed. Their skin had turned blue. These reports omitted the dangers of common drugs such as Paracetamol, which can cause devastating liver damage if just a few pills too many are taken regularly. This drug can be bought at any supermarket without prescription.

In 2009, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), a notoriously conservative (and some would now say untrustworthy) body released a report which showed that prescription drugs killed 37,485 Americans in that year— versus 36,284 killed in road traffic accidents. Common drugs believed by many to be innocuous caused more deaths than heroin and cocaine combined in that year.

In contrast, silver is safe and effective. It has been used for over 2,000 years to prevent sickness and heal. Our bodies need silver to function properly.

It’s important to understand the difference between colloidal silver and ionic silver.

Colloidal Silver is small silver particles suspended in a liquid. These particles are stable and suitable for both external (skin) and internal use. It is the most desirable form of silver solution. Spooky2 can make true colloidal silver.

Ionic silver is silver atoms dissolved within a liquid. The atom size is much smaller than colloidal silver particles. Each atom is missing one electron, making them highly reactive. Ionic silver is converted into undesirable silver chloride when it encounters body salts, so may be suitable for external (skin) use only.

Marketing hype has created confusion. Most “colloidal silver” being sold and made is in fact more than 90% ionic silver which is only suitable for topical use. Once inside the body it becomes ineffective. The particle size of ionic silver is one molecule.

There are visible differences between colloidal silver and ionic silver. These drinking glasses contain two different batches of silver solution, each with roughly 15ppm silver concentration. The glass on the left was made using the old-fashioned direct current (battery) method. It has a high ionic content, no color, and is clear. Adding salt, however, will make it turn cloudy as the silver ions convert to silver chloride. The glass on the right has a high colloidal content and a golden hue. Adding salt will not alter its clarity. It was created over two days using very low current and the special Spooky2 waveform.


Follow the simple steps on the next couple of pages to create true nano-particle colloidal silver with a high silver content.

The silver particle size will be very small. This increases effectiveness.

  1. Fill a glass or ceramic container with distilled water. Do not use tap or filtered water. These will almost certainly contain unwanted impurities and chemicals.
  2. Place two clean and shiny silver rods in the water. They must be more than one inch apart and larger than 14 AWG in thickness — 9 AWG is ideal because the surface area is greater.

This makes smaller particles and has the bonus of being stronger.

The rods should be at least 99.99% pure silver.

Find silver rods: StartPage search list.

This concludes the extracted text from Part 20 of the Spooky2 User’s Guide. If you need further assistance or more text extracted, please let me know.

Connect one output channel of the Spooky2-XM generator to each rod. You can do this either by using a Spooky Boost signal processor or the red clips of two individual BNC-to-alligator clips cables. The Spooky2 Silver Kit comes with Spooky Boost and two 99.99% pure silver rods, and you can find it here.

Spooky2 - The Affordable Rife Ma...
Spooky2 Portable Colloidal Silver Generator Kit - Spooky2 This kit has everything you need to make the world’s top-grade nanoparticle colloidal silver. Colloidal silver is small silver particles suspended in a liquid. ...

Launch Spooky2 and use the calculator to estimate the Dwell you need to enter for the Colloidal Silver Generation–JW preset. You may have to go to step 5 and briefly run the generator to measure the Current (mA) with a multimeter so you can enter it in the calculator.

The six fields in the By Calculation pane are interactive. Changing a value in one will alter the values in the others. Enter your numbers in the top three to find the Dwell Multiplier you need to enter in the Options pane.

The total time needed to make your CS will be shown. In the By Measurement pane, enter the Initial TDS of your distilled water before you start, then the Final TDS of the end product (or during production). The estimated PPM will be shown beneath. Or enter a PPM value to get the target TDS value.

Load the Colloidal Silver Generation–JW preset. Enter the estimated dwell into the Dwell Multiplier field and start the generator. The waveform has been designed to produce very small silver particles of varying size. Do not rush the manufacturing process. Slower is better. Good luck!

Important Notes

The quality of CS will increase if it is made slowly. It can take more than a day to make a truly great batch. Use cold water. Hot water will speed up the process but the particle size will increase. Stir the water every hour to ensure the silver particles are evenly distributed. When your batch is done, it will be cloudy with sloughed-off silver oxide. Allow to stand for an hour before decanting so that this can fall as sediment to the bottom of the container. When the CS solution is ready for use it may be a light yellow/golden color. This indicates a very small particle size. You can shine a laser light in the solution and see a visible red line, indicating microscopic silver particles in suspension. Store the CS solution in a dark glass container. Plastics and ultraviolet light from the sun may cause the silver ions to lose their positive charge and clump together, losing their ability to heal.

What makes the Spooky CS protocol special?

Three unique features help Spooky2 produce remarkably high-quality colloidal silver.

  1. The triangular shaped waveform uses pulses of varying amplitude DC. The amplitude sets the silver particle size drawn off the silver rod. Differing sizes of particles will be drawn off, each nanometers in size.
  2. The waveform has a 10% DC offset that speeds up the manufacturing time.
  3. The silver rods do not require cleaning. Swap Waveform inversions will turn the silver hydroxide buildup on the anode (+) into plated silver that sediments to the bottom of the container. This prevents contamination of your silver solution.

JW On Making Superior CS

“It’s hard to find the strength of CS. People often use a TDS meter. However, colloidal silver is silver particles that are suspended in solution — only silver ions are dissolved. So TDS meters will only measure the ionic silver strength, not the colloidal strength.

“TDS meters measure the conductivity of water, and convert ohms to ppm.

“The CS that Spooky2 makes has an exceptionally high ratio of CS to ionic silver. The calculator takes the initial TDS reading (only the distilled water — this should be 1 or less) and compares it with the later/final TDS reading.

“From the difference in readings, Spooky2 ascertains the true amount of silver (in ppm, or parts per million) that is in solution.

“A more accurate way of determining the ppm is to use a multimeter set to milliamps.

“Before you begin, set it all up and start a program using any dwell multiplier. Measure the current that passes through one of the rods by putting the multimeter in series.

“This means removing a clip connected to one of the silver rods and attaching it to one of the multimeter leads. When the other multimeter lead touches the rod you removed the clip from, a current will be shown. Entering this current value into the calculator along with the volume of the water will give a good estimate of the time necessary to make CS.

“The current that passes through the solution increases over time as more silver sloughs off the rods. The purpose of the 10k resistor is to keep the current more constant and low.

“I’m making CS as I type this. The program has run for 191,519 seconds, and the current has increased from 0.21 mA to 0.3 mA. It will take 360,000 seconds in total to make four liters of amazing CS. This is just over four days. I don’t mind waiting. The job is slotted into my rig, and one generator dedicated solely to CS production is really a no-brainer.

“On the previous page is a photo I took last night showing the quality of my current batch. Remember, this is only halfway through production. The laser beam gets even brighter later. Ionic silver has no beam since it has no silver solids in suspension to reflect the light — because silver ions dissolve.

“As regards using it, I don’t swallow my silver. I swish some in my mouth for two minutes, then spit it out. You can gargle it, too. The silver particles are small enough to enter cells directly.

“I haven’t cleaned my silver rods at all and they don’t need cleaning.

“And you don’t have to wake up every hour to stir the solution! Just get a magnetic stirrer. I forgot to mention that I use one of these set to approximately 4 RPM.

“Above is a photo of the setup in its entirety.”

Clark Zapper

Before Spooky2, only the well-upholstered could afford to play with Rife therapy. If you weren’t well off, your only alternative was the zapper.

Invented by the wonderful and humane Dr. Hulda Clark, the schematics and instructions to build this at home using widely available inexpensive electronic components were given away freely.

So Spooky2 stands in exalted company.

Since those days, a whole new industry has sprung up around zappers. There are some very good ones, and there are some not-so-good ones. And virtually all of them cost more than a Spooky2 rig.

At its most basic, the original Clark zapper used one frequency — 30,000 Hz. And it killed everything you pointed it at. So how can one single frequency possibly do this?

The answer lies in the settings Dr. Clark chose. Because her device had to be battery-powered, she was limited to an amplitude of 9 volts. She chose a square wave because she wanted as many odd harmonics (both higher and lower) as possible.

Her real genius lay in specifying a 100% positive Offset because pushing a square wave like this makes it produce a huge spread of harmonic frequencies, from 0Hz up into the MHz range, all of them spaced 60,000 Hz apart.

Later, another zapper frequency was developed — 2,500 Hz. When used with the same settings, this produces a spread of harmonics that are 5,000 Hz apart. Many zapper users believe that this lower frequency is more effective for problems in hollow organs and body cavities.

Both versions are now in the Spooky2 database. We’ve also added a dual version that uses the two Outs to transmit both frequencies at the same time.

But why stop there? A second version of this for remote use incorporates Spectrum, too, making life Frequency Hell for pathogens and parasites.

Zapping is still most effectively done in Contact Mode, although Dr. Pankaj Mishra has kindly provided very useful Remote Mode programs in the Programs tab.

Contact Mode zapper programs should only be run for 7 minutes at a time, with a 21-minute break before zapping again. This break time is necessary to give your body a chance to get organized to deal with clean-up. You can also help out by running a detox Program. Zapping longer than 7 minutes in Contact Mode without the rest can result in burning yourself.

If you haven’t tried zapping, you should because it’s very effective. And it’s still the best way to kill a tapeworm safely.

Pests & Molds

A former Spooky Team member’s informal environmental experiments with Spooky2 and the Spectrum sweeps yielded some pretty astonishing results.

It all started at the end of summer 2013 with black mold on his natural wood and tiled floors. His former home was warm and dry, so finding this was a shock.

The mold was sticky and couldn’t be either swept or vacuumed — both bad ideas anyway. So the only way to deal with it was to get down on hands and knees to physically dislodge it, then very carefully clear one tiny area at a time.

Because he is spinally disabled, this was out of the question, so he had to find another solution.

He took a sample of the mold and put it in tape, then inserted it into his homemade DNA Holder attached to an older UDB1108S generator he was using at that time. He then ran the CAFL Fungus and Mold set in an endless loop.

It took a month to six weeks, but eventually that black mold turned grey, which he took to mean that it was dead.

A couple of weeks later, a correspondent whose home was infested with springtails wrote to him at his Delusional Insects website. She didn’t have Spooky, but she did have a commercial Rife machine. So he told her how to set it up for remote, use a dead insect as the remote transmission DNA sample, then transmit a frequency set that had been reported by another correspondent to drive collembola out of the body.

It worked — her home was cleared of collembola.

Shortly after the release of the Spooky Spectrum Sweep, he noticed one morning that he had large black ants in an unused bedroom — about 50-60 of them, all coming up from under the floor.

So he decided that he’d try the same trick. He killed one, put it in a paper tape wrap, then ran the Spooky Spectrum Sweep non-stop.

The numbers dropped dramatically almost immediately, and within a week they were all gone.

He also noticed that my fresh organic produce was developing molds very quickly. So he did the same with two different types — one blue, one white.

No more molds grew on my fruit and veggies!

Another escapade was with hordes of red ants in his kitchen. A dual-Remote Spooky2-XM ran the Converge Sweep on two corpses, and they were all gone in three days.

After that, he had yet another ant infestation by a different species. Again, he dealt with it using Spooky2, and they all disappeared from his kitchen — within five minutes this time. Since then, he’s had another three ant infestations in his kitchen. Spooky2 dispatched all his unwelcome visitors within an hour each time.

They were invading from his garden, where he said they were very welcome to live unmolested. But he didn’t wish to share my home with them.

He also eradicated an infestation of pesky drain flies in his bathroom. He ran the sweep for 30 days, and unwelcome visitor numbers reduced from 30-50 flies a day to zero.

There was most likely more than one gene pool involved in this particular infestation because of the length of time taken in comparison to the other insects.

Nevertheless, no more drain flies!

How does it work?

Well, just like us, insects have bacterial and fungal symbionts in their gut to help them digest food. The sweep kills these very quickly, and suddenly the pests are starving to death in the midst of plenty.

There have also been reports of Spooky2 being used successfully to eradicate fleas. The Spooky Spectrum Sweep wasn’t used in this case, but the CAFL set for Fleas.

He found this interesting because it means that insects for which a frequency set exists can be killed in the environment. Since there are frequencies for Bird mites in the database, this is good news for those infested both personally and environmentally with these dreadful pests.

It means that adults in the home will die at the same time as emergent young in the skin.

And because there are also frequencies for dust mites (Dermatophagoides), it’s also good news for asthma and allergy sufferers because it’s a non-toxic way to quickly eradicate dust mites in the home — simply by putting a few samples of sweepings in the Remote.

Unfortunately, Spooky2 is probably not going to be able to solve gardening problems. Outdoor infestations are far more likely to be composed of insects from many different gene pools, so only those genetically related to the transmission insect will be affected.

If you have insect or mold infestation problems, please give this a try and let us know how you get on.

Two of our users did just that, and they’ve allowed us to share their successes. The first involves beetles which were infesting a piece of artwork in a user’s friend’s home, and the second involves a dangerous black mold in the basement of a user’s home which was making the family seriously ill.

This is the sculpture. If you look closely at the bent leg on the left, you can see the holes left by the beetles. On the black plinth, you see some dead ones. When the clearance started, the sweep settings weren’t quite correct, so progress was slow. However, 

This concludes the extracted text from Part 21 of the Spooky2 User’s Guide. If you need further assistance or more text extracted, please let me know.

when they were amended, many more were driven out to die:

In the lady’s own words: “About every six months for the past 10 years, 20-30 beetles would come out of the sculpture. They would crawl around the enclosure for a few days and die. Until the Spooky Spectrum Sweep, I never had more than a few at a time. When several dead ones were placed in the Spooky Remote and the sweep was run, beetles exited pretty much every day.”

This job took three months. A very large infestation like this means that vast numbers of eggs have been laid. The sweep can only kill feeding adults, not eggs, so these continued to hatch. For the last week of May, however, only a few beetles have appeared. And this lady now also reports another success driving out ants that were invading her home.

She writes: “This whole wall (8′ x 40′) was almost all black mold. This is what is left. It’s about an 8-inch circle. You can see the raised areas that used to be mold…

“We had a serious issue when we found that a water line running to our barn was leaking behind the walls of our finished basement. When we tore down the drywall, it was horrifying. The day all the drywall was off, our Spooky2 generators showed up and we started the remote killing with samples…

“Our two mold samples…one is black mold, which after checking this morning, is now gray. The other was some green mold from the same area…

“Last night I went to my basement to look at the mold situation. I found that about 99% of it has turned to a white powder. The green and the black mold are almost gone now! I’m so happy!

“When I came back up after the inspection and started to tell my husband, I just started crying…we have been very sick and tired. This nightmare is nearly over. I felt so sick for the past few years, and a few times I thought I was near death. I’m sooooooo happy! Thank you Spooky2!”

Note that the black patch in the photo which took longer to be killed than the rest is now also gone.

These two stories are just some of the many we’ve received from happy Spooky2 users — they’re also the only two we’re aware of where photos of the results were taken and subsequently shared with us.

And since seeing is believing, we’re also sharing them with you.

The presets developed for pests and mold are all contained in the Environmental folder.

NanoGuide B: The Universe

If you want to get the most out of Spooky2, it’s essential that you understand one very basic thing — energy. And in order to do that, you have to be prepared to completely discard your present beliefs about reality and the nature of the universe.

Because things are not what they seem to be.

Right now, you probably believe that the world you live in is solid. And it certainly seems that way — if you bump into a coffee table, you’ll hurt your shin and hop around the room in pain. The coffee table is matter, and so are you.

But what is matter?

Matter is made up of molecules. And molecules are made up of elemental atoms. The nature of those elemental atoms, and the way they’re joined together, determines the type of matter you’re dealing with.

Here’s an illustration of the difference between atoms and molecules.

The top row of spheres are single atoms of oxygen, carbon, and hydrogen. Single atoms are called elements.

Below them are simple molecules that are made up from those atoms: O2 is the type of oxygen we need to breathe, and it’s made from two single oxygen atoms.

Next is carbon dioxide, which we exhale. That’s made from two atoms of oxygen that have bonded with one atom of carbon.

The final molecule is water, made from two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen.

These are all very simple molecules. Two are gases, and the third is a liquid. Now we’ll look at a more complex molecule.

This is a molecule of heroin. It’s made from atoms of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen.

The solid links between the atoms in the illustration don’t actually exist — they’re simply used in models of molecules to show how each atom is bound to its neighbors.

This method of modeling is called stick-and-ball.

As molecules go, heroin is fairly straightforward. But there are a great many others that are far more complex than this.

When you look at this molecule, you can see that it actually consists of one other thing besides its constituent atoms.

Empty space.

In fact, it’s more empty space than it is atoms.

Yet heroin isn’t a gas, and it isn’t a liquid — it’s a solid. A solid that’s mostly made up of empty space.

OK, but it’s still got a whole bunch of atoms in there, and they must be what give heroin its apparent solidity. So let’s examine a single atom and see what it’s made from.

We’ll pick carbon, since diamonds are made from this, and they’re one of the hardest and most solid things on Earth.

The nucleus in the center is composed of neutrons and protons that are tightly packed together. The rest of our carbon atom is six electrons, all orbiting the nucleus very rapidly.

Every type of elemental atom has a different number of protons, neutrons, and orbiting electrons.

You’ll notice that protons all have a positive electrical charge, and electrons all have a negative charge. Neutrons, as their name suggests, carry no electrical charge, and are neutral.

But, just like a molecule, an atom is once again mostly empty space.

And when you start to probe even deeper into the structure of neutrons, protons, and electrons, you find that they’re composed of even smaller sub-atomic particles. Interesting, but not terribly exciting so far.

Now let us show you something that may shock you.

Let’s gather together every single molecule that exists in the observable universe. We’ll split all those molecules into their constituent atoms, removing all the empty space.

Now we’ll make a necklace of all those single atoms end to end. How long do you think that necklace would be?

It would be the same length as the Earth’s orbit around the Sun — 600 million miles.

If you think that’s amazing, let’s go further now and remove the empty space in all those atoms, so we’re only left with real solid material. And then we’ll roll all these solid leftovers up into a ball.

How big do you think that ball would be?

Get ready for this: all the atoms in the observable universe, with all their empty space removed and compressed into a single ball, would be the size of one single PEA.

Solid matter is an illusion.

Matter is energy. And energy is movement from one state to another and back again. This movement of energy is called vibration, or oscillation. And it’s the mind-boggling speed at which this oscillation occurs that gives energy its appearance of solidity.

Think of a propeller on an airplane. When it’s stopped, it’s two or three distinct single blades. When it’s moving, it looks like a semi-solid disc. If you could build an engine that was capable of turning the propeller faster than the speed of light, the semi-solid disc of the propeller would become solid, and you could reach out and touch it without harm.

At this speed, linear time breaks down, and the individual blades are now in all their possible positions at the exact same instant. In other words, what were originally positions in time have now become positions in space.

So now we’ve identified three interrelated aspects of energy that relate to its manifestation as matter, and they’re not just the building blocks of the universe we’re all part of, they’re also the foundation stones of Rife therapy.

They are speed, space, and time, and we’ll look at them in the next section.

And we’ll see how the combinations of these three variables explain the infinite multiplicity we experience all around us.

Speed, Space & Time

Speed is a function of space and time. When you take a leisurely stroll, you’re moving through five miles of space in one hour of time — 5mph. When light takes a stroll, it moves through almost 671 million miles of space in one hour of time — 670,616,629mph.

When something vibrates, or oscillates, it’s energy moving through space and time. The difference is that the distance through space is almost infinitesimally small, and the time taken for the journey varies with whatever’s doing the vibrating. Another difference is that vibration is always a journey from A to Z and back again — it’s never in one single direction.

To simplify things, let’s call this journey from A to Z and back again a “state change.” Where energy is concerned, this state change is from positive to negative and back again, and as energy undergoes it, its amplitude, or power, changes. The speed at which this state change happens isn’t measured in miles per hour — instead, we measure it by finding out how often it happens in a given time. This is called “frequency.”

Everything in the universe, from an elemental atom to a star, has its own unique frequency. And the reason for this is the different number of protons, neutrons, and electrons that make up each elemental atom. But there’s more. When you take elemental atoms and make a molecule from them, that molecule now assumes its own unique frequency.

This happens every time you move one level up the scale of complexity. So the frequency of an elemental atom of oxygen is different from the frequency of the oxygen you can breathe (two atoms making up a molecule), and both are also different from the frequency of water (two elemental atoms of hydrogen bonded with one elemental atom of oxygen).

So frequency is a measurement of how fast energy moves through one single state change in a given time. This used to be called Cycles Per Second (CPS), but it’s now called Hertz (Hz).

But there’s another very important attribute of energy we haven’t looked at yet. Amplitude is a measure of how strong or powerful the energy is, and it changes throughout every state change. The change can be orderly or chaotic. Chaotic energy change is called “noise.” Here, we need only deal with orderly change, and we’ll do so in the next section.

Rife & Physics

Depending on what it’s being used for, Rife therapy works in a number of different ways.

Perhaps the most common use for frequencies is to kill pathogens, and the best description of how that process works that we’ve ever heard comes from John:

“Imagine a cowboy with a whip. He brings the whip back, then forward. When the sinusoidal energy wave traveling down the leather reaches the end, it must change direction very quickly. When it does, there is a loud ‘crack’ as the speed of the tip exceeds the speed of sound.

“It is only when the direction changes that the energy is expended. This is a close analogy to why only the peaks and troughs of a waveform create the output frequencies. These are the points in the wave where the voltage and fields change direction.

“Technically, it can be explained as conservation of momentum. Momentum is a vector that has direction. Momentum will not turn corners, so some of it is expelled as energy.”

This principle explains how “whiplash” injuries sustained in car crashes can be so physically devastating.

So now, here’s the unsuspecting pathogen, minding its own business, busy making your life miserable, and buzzing along at its own natural frequency.

Out of the blue, it now finds itself vibrating with much greater force because you’ve just transmitted its own natural frequency into your body by “cracking the Spooky2 whip” repeatedly. Adding two identical frequencies to each other greatly increases the energy in the target system, just as two ocean waves become bigger and more powerful when they conjoin as one.

But your overlaying waveform now controls how those conjoined energies behave. If you’ve chosen a wave with abrupt direction changes in energy, the rapid and repeated “whip-cracks” will cause electrical state changes that can damage, disable, or devitalize the pathogen.

Some frequency sets are specifically designed to disable specific life-systems, cell-wall components, or functions, so that a pathogen can no longer reproduce, take in sustenance, or even move. So it will quickly die.

For detox, the repeated application of energies serves to “bump” pollutants out of cells and tissues to where they can enter the blood or lymph and be removed by the liver and kidneys. The frequencies work pretty much like a jackhammer, and the result is the dislodgment and mechanical movement of materials foreign to the body.

For healing, the process is completely different and works on the principle of frequency entrainment. Take two grandfather clocks and stand them against the same wall. Now set their pendulums swinging out of sync with each other. Within a few days, both pendulums will have come back into perfect sync with each other, and will remain that way until they’re disturbed again.

That’s entrainment.

Another example is a little more mysterious and is seen only in girls’ boarding schools and university dorms. At the start of the term, the girls’ natural cycles are all out of sync with each other. Within a few months, they will all have synchronized to within a couple of days of each other.

That’s also entrainment.

So if you take the frequencies of a healthy liver, or a robust immune system, and you transmit them into a body where these are not so wonderful, within a few days frequency entrainment will have taken place, and things will start looking much better.

Some experienced Rife researchers also maintain that since life itself is frequency, the simple act of transmitting beneficial frequencies into the body — any beneficial frequencies — will act to “wake up” the immune system, “remind” it of its function, and set it to work again properly.

This concludes the extracted text from Part 22 of the Spooky2 User’s Guide. If you need further assistance or more text extracted, please let me know.

The Golden Rule of Rifing

Any living thing that lives in or on you, that consumes your energy or resources, and that confers no benefit upon you in exchange, is a parasite. This includes insects, fungi, bacteria, and viruses.

It may surprise you to learn that, with the possible exception of viruses, all parasites themselves have parasites. Viruses and spirochetes can parasitize bacteria. Fungi can parasitize larger fungi. They can also host viruses, bacteria, and insects. And insects can harbor many different parasites internally and on the surface of their bodies.

When you kill large parasites (“large” by comparison with bacteria), you are leaving all their internal and external parasites alive. When the large parasite decomposes, all those living fungi, bacteria, and viruses are released into your bloodstream.

And now you’re in big trouble. Since you’ve just killed their hosts of choice, you will have to take their place. You’ve just given your already-overburdened immune system a few million extra headaches to deal with.

So the rule when rifing is this:

Work from smallest to largest.

This can also be stated as:

Work from the inside to the outside, from the things contained to the container itself.

If you proceed like this you won’t end up in awful trouble, because when you finally get to kill your biggest parasites, you will already have killed everything they might have been carrying.

NanoGuide C: Troubleshooting

If you don’t have a PC you can rely on, then you don’t have a Spooky2 rig you can rely on either. Although it’s not always possible, it’s best to dedicate a computer to Spooky2 if you can, and use another one for social and internet activities. That’s what some users have chosen to do, and despite running very large rigs non-stop over almost three years, they’ve never had a problem.

If you’re technologically challenged, it may be a good idea to take a few evening classes on PC basics at your local library or community center so that you know how to navigate through the Windows file system and perform elementary tasks. Or get hold of a copy of “Windows for Dummies”!

If your PC is not so well-behaved, it’s possible that a number of things may happen when you launch the software:

Runtime Error 8002: Invalid Port Number:

This is a Windows error and normally indicates that the PC is confused about exactly what’s connected to its USB ports. It’s usually resolved by restarting the PC.

Remedies for Driver Problems:

Sometimes, an incorrectly configured PC or other software already installed can interfere with driver installation calls. You can fix this by installing drivers manually. Here’s how:

  1. Click the Utils menu on the menu bar and choose Install Spooky2–XM Drivers command if you have the Spooky2-XM generator, or for Spooky2 GeneratorX choose Install GeneratorX Drivers.
  2. The installer should launch and take you through the installation process. When it’s done, quit everything and restart your PC and Spooky2. You should now see your red physical Generator Button(s), plus the VG Button. If the driver installer doesn’t launch, or if it does launch but nothing has changed and you don’t see your Generator Button(s), it’s time to take a look under the hood:

(Note that the operating system shown here is Windows 7, but this information is broadly applicable to all versions.)

Click on the Windows Start Menu at the bottom left corner of your screen. Click into the Search Box and type:


You’ll get a list of results. The one you need is Device Manager (highlighted in the screenshot on the left).

Click on it to open Device Manager.

The window shown in the next screenshot will open.

But first, an explanation: there are two kinds of accounts on Windows — Administrator and User. If you log in using an account with admin rights and permissions, you can pretty much do anything you like on the PC. However, it’s not a good idea to go online using an Admin account because hackers can put this power to use if they get past your firewall. The answer is a User Account. This has less power to change anything, so it’s safer for online use. However, it can cause problems with certain kinds of software installations.

Thankfully, there’s a way round this without having to log out and back in as Administrator. First, quit Spooky2. Then click on the Windows Start Menu and choose Computer. The Start Menu will disappear and a new window will open.

The highlighted icon shown here is your (C:) drive.

The window now displays a list of all the folders on your hard drive. The Spooky2 folder is highlighted. Double click it.

Now you can see everything that’s contained in the Spooky2 folder.

This folder is where you’ll have to visit if you wish to manually install a new custom database, or edit your existing one in Notepad.

The top ten icons are folders, the rest are files (folders always contain files). The third folder in the list on the left—CP210x_VCP_Windows — contains XM driver installers.

Double click this folder to open it.

If your PC is a recent 64-bit model, choose the installer whose name ends with “x64.”

If it’s an older 32-bit machine, choose the “x86” installer.

In either case, right click on the file and choose “Run as administrator” from the context menu that pops up.

This will temporarily give you the permissions to install software into the deeper levels of the operating system.

When the installation finishes, it’s best to restart your PC because some flavors of Windows require this to correctly register newly installed components.

If, after all this, Spooky2 still can’t find your generator, it’s possible that your installation is damaged. In this case, it’s best to uninstall, then run a fresh copy of the installer again. Here’s how:

Right-click on the Windows Start Menu at the lower left of the screen and choose Control Panel as shown below.

The Start Menu will disappear and a new window will open.

If you haven’t been here before, this is probably what you’ll see — not terribly informative or useful. So click on the View by menu at the top right and change it from Category to Small icons. And this is what you’ll see instead:

Here, we’ve highlighted the XM’s Silicon Labs driver. You can also see the Spooky2 entry further up the list. To uninstall, either double click the name, or select, then click Uninstall at the top of the list.

This concludes the extracted text from Part 23 of the Spooky2 User’s Guide. If you need further assistance or more text extracted, please let me know.

Uninstall the driver package, but don’t bother trying to uninstall Spooky2 — Windows isn’t very effective at removing anything that doesn’t have a registry entry. So it’s quicker and easier to manually delete it. To do this, simply navigate to the Spooky2 folder as you did before:

Windows Start Menu > Computer > Hard Drive (double click). Then drag the Spooky2 folder to the Recycle Bin and empty it.

Now you can download a fresh copy of the installer and try again. To do this new installation, we advise disconnecting from the internet, logging into an Administrator account on your PC, and installing Spooky2 for all users. Then restart the PC and log into your normal User Account so you can re-enable internet access if you wish.

Finally, click the System tab, then enter the number of generators you’ve connected into the Generator Count field near the top, and Spooky2 will find your entire rig a lot quicker on subsequent launches.

Generators Missing:

If you have four generators connected, but only three red Generator buttons, it means that either the driver hasn’t installed properly for the particular port your missing generator is connected to, or your COM port may have become a phantom port, or the generator’s USB cable may be faulty.

To fix the first, quit Spooky2, disconnect each generator’s USB cable from the PC/hub, and restart the PC. One by one, reconnect the generators and watch the right side of the Taskbar for alerts that tell you whether the driver install for that port was successful. With luck, they should all be. If not, it’s time to try swapping the USB cable for that missing generator so that Windows can identify it and install the correct driver. To address your COM port becoming a phantom port, try the Device Cleanup Tool described here.

Installing a Beta/EXE

The latest stable version of Spooky2 can always be found on the Spooky2 website’s Downloads page. This is the one that most people will wish to use. But John White sometimes provides advance beta versions of the next proposed official release for download on his own site, often as software-only EXE files. “Beta” means that they’re test versions, and so may contain bugs. And this is the main reason that they’re made available — so that experienced users can download and test them, then report any bugs found so they can be fixed for the next official release.

The length of time between official stable releases is generally two months, but three or four beta versions may be released for testing in the same period, and the final beta then becomes official and is uploaded to the Spooky2 website.

At that time also, if an update contains no changes to Spooky2’s support files, an EXE file download may also be provided for users with existing installations.

Because of the nature of beta software, no technical support can be provided since it’s essentially a work-in-progress. So unless you know your way around Spooky2 and your PC, it may not always be a good idea for you to install a beta, especially if you’re dealing with something serious. But if you wish to go ahead anyway, here’s how to do it:

Download the beta (or EXE) to your Desktop. The file name will always lack the word “_Setup” and end in “.exe.” This means that it’s an executable and doesn’t need to be decompressed like a .zip file or double-clicked like a full Setup installer. Click once on the file to select it, then press Ctrl C on your keyboard to copy it.

Navigate to the Spooky2 folder — Windows Start Menu > Computer > Hard Drive (double click).

Click anywhere on the list of files, then press Ctrl V on your keyboard to paste the beta into the folder. You don’t have to worry about the beta replacing your existing installation because its file name is different. However, you will need to make an easy way for yourself to launch the new beta.

To do this, you can either create a Shortcut, or you can “pin” the beta to the Taskbar or the Windows Start Menu. For a Shortcut, right-click on the beta file and select Create shortcut from the Context Menu that pops up. Then drag the newly created Shortcut out of the Spooky2 folder and onto your Desktop.

You can then close the Spooky2 folder window because double-clicking the Shortcut will now launch the new beta version. To pin the new version to the Taskbar or the Start Menu, you also right-click on the beta file, but this time choose either Pin to Taskbar, or Pin to Start Menu. Clicking on the beta’s icon in either of these two locations will then launch your new version. The following screenshot shows all the options:

The Context Menu pops up when you right-click on the new Spooky2 beta file. The Pin to Taskbar and Pin to Start Menu options appear close to the top of the menu. The Create shortcut option appears closer to the bottom.

Installing a Database

There are two different file formats for databases used in Spooky2 — ZIP and CSV. The ZIP format we use is encrypted, cannot be manually unzipped, and cannot be read by any software but Spooky2. This is to help prevent third-party profiteering on planned future frequency development, and the main database now comes in this format.

Please note once again that this can only be unzipped and read by Spooky2.

CSV files can also be read and loaded as custom databases, and these can be edited and used normally.

How to Install a Main Database (ZIP File)

‣ Either use a browser or the Download Database command in the Database Menu to download the database file, then quit Spooky2.

‣ Go to your Downloads folder and double-click on the Frequencies.s2d.zip archive to open it. Click on Frequencies.s2d, then press Ctrl C on your keyboard to copy it. You may not see the extension .s2d if your Folder Options in the Window File Explorer has extensions hidden.

‣ Now navigate to the Spooky2 folder — you know how to do this by now.

‣ You’ll see the older Frequencies.s2d file in the folder, and you have two choices — you can either: ✓ Drag the older file into the Recycle Bin, then click back into the Spooky2 window and press Ctrl V on the keyboard to paste the new file in. ✓ Leave the existing file where it is and just press Ctrl V. The existing Frequencies.s2d will be overwritten.

‣ Close the window and launch Spooky2. The new database will be loaded into memory and be available for immediate use.

How to Install a Custom Database (CSV File)

Click the Database menu on Spooky2’s menu bar and choose Select Custom Database #2. A Windows file navigation dialog will open. Navigate to the folder that contains your custom CSV file.

To load one into Spooky2, select it, then click the Open button to make it immediately available in Spooky2.

The Refresh Database command reloads the custom file after manual edits.

Hardware Notes

XM Auto Sync

When the Spooky2–XM generator was first launched back in January 2014, the Auto-Sync function triggered by the selection of Inverse and Sync or Spike+Sync wasn’t incorporated in the firmware because these features hadn’t yet been developed by John White.

This was rectified about a fortnight later. However, this means that the first batch of generators built must have their outputs manually synchronized.

We have now identified the range of serial numbers involved:

P/N24140001 – P/N24140181: these XMs have no Auto-Sync function.

P/N24140182 – P/N24140365: if the Revision No. is 2.85, Auto-Sync is built in. If not, the generator must be manually synced.

Depending on when you bought your generator, you may have an extra step to complete when you wish to use Inverse and Sync. Models sold from about two weeks after the range was launched will automatically synchronize both their outputs when you select Inverse and Sync or Spike+Sync in Spooky2. So if you bought yours after that time, you can skip this step.

If you were an early adopter, simply enter the following key sequence on the generator’s front panel:

CH2 – F5 – F5 – Sync – T.F.

Note: after you’ve finished your Inverse and Sync session, you can enter the exact same key sequence again to desynchronize the outputs and return the generator to normal use. Later models automatically desynchronize when you reselect Follow Out 1.

Preventing Communication Board Damage on Old Spooky2-XMs

Older Spooky2-XM generators had communication boards that were susceptible to burning out when the generator was not connected to its power adapter. A utility called Spooky2 USB Power Fix v1.01 that can remedy this issue is available here. This problem and using the utility to fix the issue is described here.

Thanks and Acknowledgements

The knowledge this User’s Guide contains comes from many sources, without whom it could never have been written. Inevitably, it will contain errors, which are ours alone, and omissions, which you can help fix.

Our thanks go to:

  • Alvin Rose
  • Argyrios Argyropoulos
  • Blue Aquarian
  • Bryan Yamamoto
  • Chaffee Cline
  • Chris Aguirre
  • David Bourke
  • David Halliday
  • Echo Lee
  • Ed Von
  • Gwen Burley
  • Hans Rikkerink
  • Jason Elliott
  • Jeff Kaczor
  • Joe Strothman
  • Johann & Tania Stegmann
  • John White
  • Judy Buduccio
  • Karl Becker
  • Kate Hu
  • Kylin Zhang
  • Manuel Mallo
  • Marcello Allegretti
  • Michelle Mullins
  • Nick Dewey
  • Paul Gruszka
  • Robert Wolcott
  • Roman Nowak
  • Sebastien Mercier
  • Sharyn Peacocke
  • Suzi Smith
  • Suzie Winter
  • Syyenergy7
  • Ting Ting Luo
  • Trevor Nelson
  • Walt Dod
  • You

Precautions for Users

If you suffer from impaired liver or kidney functions, please exercise caution when using Spooky2. Frequency generation systems should NEVER be used while pregnant. Please do not operate the Spooky2 frequency generation system while driving or using dangerous machinery. Please keep your Spooky2 frequency generation system out of the reach of children. If you feel nauseous, faint, dizzy, or have ‘flu-like symptoms’ or headaches after exposures to Spooky2’s frequencies, please drink lots of pure water and shorten your future Spooky2 session times appropriately. Because no electricity is passed into the body when using the Spooky2 frequency generation system to broadcast frequencies via nonlocal space (Remote Mode), this system should have no ill effect on the electrical or mechanical components of cardiac pacemakers or internal defibrillators. But, as always when using frequencies, please proceed with care and caution. If you do suffer with heart problems, or wear a pacemaker or other electrical implant, you should NEVER attach electrodes to the Spooky2 system. Please use Spooky2’s Remote Mode ONLY.

NEVER attach TENS pad to the neck or the head for treatments or biofeedback scans. Instead, place the TENS pad on the shoulders or lower on the body. An unbalanced waveform used with Contact Mode can cause burning. A balanced waveform, when you look at its shape, the area above zero volts is equal to the area below zero volts. A normally balanced waveform is the default Square wave or Sine wave. You can make these balanced waveforms unbalanced by changing the offset to a nonzero value, or for Square wave changing the duty to a value other than 50. For an unbalanced waveform, you can help prevent burning by using the low powered Colloidal Silver port of Spooky Boost, and limiting the treatment time to 7 minutes with a 21-minute break between treatments. In general, it’s best to experiment with Spooky2 before about 5 pm because the excitation effects of frequencies on human cells can affect sleep. However, depending on the nature of your experimentation, Spooky2 can be run overnight if desired. Finally, when experimenting with Spooky2 or any other frequency generation system, proper hydration will produce better results. As a general rule, it’s best to drink 4-8 pints of pure water daily, half of it before noon.

On behalf of all the people who assisted in the development of Spooky2, we wish you all a long and healthy life.

The Spooky Team

Legal Notice & Disclaimer

Cancer Clinic NZ Ltd, Clean Technologies, John White, Echo Lee, supporting staff and crew (hereafter referred to as Team Spooky) ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE for any damage or injuries of any sort or form that may be sustained by any person or persons, any animal, or to any equipment or any other thing or things. The equipment, devices, and methods used by Team Spooky have not been inspected or approved by any governmental or medical agency or inspection service. No medical claims are made for, nor implied by Team Spooky.

You are advised to always consult with your physician or other health care professional at any time should you have or think you might have a health problem. Please check with your physician or other health care professional before starting any diet, exercise, taking over-the-counter (OTC) medications or supplements and especially before taking any prescribed medication. Never stop taking any prescribed medications without first consulting your physician. Please seek the advice of your doctor or healthcare professional before using Spooky or Spooky2.

This concludes the extracted text from Part 24 of the Spooky2 User’s Guide. If you need further assistance or more text extracted, please let me know.

Spooky2 Software License

Although the source code is © John White, this software is free, and has been written for the greater benefit and knowledge of all mankind. You are actively encouraged to pass it on freely to everyone you know, as long as it’s accompanied by this document.

This concludes the extracted text from Part 25 of the Spooky2 User’s Guide. If you need further assistance or more text extracted, please let me know.
